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We are pleased to announce changes for the 2024-2025 school year to our health and wellness services with the opening of the Zaagigi Clinic supported by the Bay Mills Indian Community. This clinic will house the new School Wellness Program as well as primary care services by our Nurse Practitioner.
The School Wellness program is grant funded and will provide both a registered nurse and mental health therapist within the school to support students physical and mental health
Consents currently pending.
Nurse Practitioner services will be provided by Ashly Ellis who has been with the students for the last several years. Items that your child/ren will be able to utilize the clinic for will include:
Wellness visits including annual examinations and sports physicals.
Urgent Care services for acute illness, injury with on-site testing available for Strep A, Covid, Influenza and UTI.
Primary care appointments
Medication Consent: Required for any prescription medication as well as over the counter medication that is not on our standing orders. Must be completed by parent and prescribing provider to be valid.
Diabetic Forms: If your child is a Type 1 Diabetic, they will need to have a diabetic action plan completed by their provider. If they self-manage, then they will need the self-manage consent form completed. There will also be a Diabetes Emergency Response Plan for Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia that needs to be completed.
Diabetes Self Management Consent
Diabetes Hyperglycemia Emergency Action Plan
Diabetes Hypoglycemia Emergency Action Plan
Asthma Forms: We require students to have a medication consent for completed as above as well as an Asthma Emergency Action Plan.
Anaphylaxis Action Plan: We require students to have a medication consent form completed located above as well as an Allergy Emergency Action Plan.
Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan
Sports Physical Forms: Both forms must be completed prior to your appointment and parental signature in place, or you will be rescheduled.