Library Policies and Procedures
Library Policies
Grades K-6 - Students may check out one book at a time. 6th graders in good standing may earn the privilege of checking out as many "good fit" books as they need. "Good fit" books are ones the student can read and understand on their own.
Renewing Books
Students may renew a book one time. Books that have a waiting list do not renew.
All books are due one week after checkout. Students who forget to return their book on library day may NOT pick out a new book until ALL of their old books have been returned or replaced. Overdue notices will be sent home on a regular basis for any and all students who have not returned their library books. BOOKS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE LIBRARY AT ANY TIME. We do not charge late or overdue fees.
Lost or Damaged Books
If a student loses or damages a book they are responsible for buying a replacement copy for the library.
Questions can be directed to Mrs. Ennes at or by phone at 248-3218 ext. 529