January 21, 2013
Brimley Board of Education
Regular Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 21, 2013
A. Superintendent Mr. Kantola called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm
B. Roll Call:
Members Present: Cappelli, Jones, Wilson, Freedman, Bedell, Wallin
Members Absent: Johnson
Staff Present: Mr. Kantola, Mr. Routhier, Mr. Reattoir
Visitors: 3
C. Adoption of Agenda
1.Motion by Freedman supported by Wallin to adopt the agenda as presented.
All Members voted yes
Motion Passed
D. Reorganization
1. Election of Officers
a. President
Motion by Freedman supported by Bedell to elect Tim Wilson as President.
All Members voted yes
Motion Passed
At this time the chair is relinquished to the new Board President
Motion by Cappelli supported by Wallin to elect Lee Freedman as Vice- President.
All Members voted yes
Motion Passed
c. Secretary
Motion by Wallin supported by Bedell to elect Amy Cappelli as Secretary.
All Members voted yes
Motion Passed
a. Treasurer
Motion by Freedman supported by Wallin to elect Robin Bedell as Treasurer.
All Members voted yes
Motion Passed
E.Recognition/SpotLight on Success:
1. School Board Recognition Month
A certificate was presented to each Board member in appreciation of their service to their community.
2. Michigan Department of Education Achievement Awards
A certificate from the Michigan Department of Education was presented for our jr/sr high school for being a “High Progress School” and a “Beating the Odds School”
F. Coorespondence: none
G: Public Comment:none
H. Approval of Previous Minutes
1.Regular Meeting –Monday, December 17, 2012
Motion by Wallin supported by Freedman to adopt the minutes of the regular meeting on Monday, December 17,2012.
All Members voted yes
Motion Passed
2.Special Meeting –Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Motion by Freedman supported by Wallin to adopt the minutes of the special meeting on Monday, December 18, 2012.
All Members voted yes
Motion Passed
I. Approval of Current Bills
Motion by Cappelli supported by Freedman to approve payment of bills for 12/7/12 to 01/14/13 in the amount of $465,685.10
All Members voted yes
Motion passed
J. Old Business:none
K. New Business
1. 2012-2013 General fund Budget amendments
Motion by Cappelli supported by Wallin to adopt 2012-2013 General Fund Budget Amendments as presented
All Member voted yes
Motion Passed
2. School Facility Use Policy
This was tabled and given to the Building and Site Committee to review
3. School/Student Saftey
This was tabled and given to the Building and Site Committee to review.
L. Board Reports SIT / PSC
SIT will meet February 19that 3:30.
M. Administrative Reports
Mr. Routhier: The Christmas program was cancelled for the first time in 40 years but we held in anyway when we returned. Thanks to everyone who helped put it on, for their effort and thanks to the parents and Mrs. Burrows. It was a very nice concert. Social Studies fair was this last Thursday and thanks to Mrs. Hope, Ms.Schoop, Mrs. Beaudoin for all their hard work on it. The 31stof January thee will be a regional fair in the sault. February 6thin Pickford will be the next round of the spelling bee and on February 21stare the Parent Teacher Conferences in the afternoon and evening. February 22nd, is a winter break day. I a welcome back to Mr. Kantola!
Mr. Reattoir:Congratulations to Mr. Jones, for his seat on the board. The end of the 1stsemester is this Friday, with half days on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Then the grades go out first part of the next week. Rivals vs Cancer game is here tomorrow night, with the girls @6 and there is a tail gate starting at 4:30. February 6this the quiz bowl district wide so the northern half of the ISD will be coming here. Robotics is Frisbee this year, the robot must be able to pick up and throw a Frisbee, which ours can now they are working on the pyramid climb. Happy 50thBirthday to Mr. Routhier tomorrow! And a welcome back to Mr. Kantola.
Mr. Kantola: Nice to be back and gainfully employed. Staff has been great. I need the board contact info filled out so I can get it out to all of you. Terms of office expiring this November are Wilson, Wallin, Freedman and Jones the rest are on until November 2016. I’m getting ready to turn in the Impact Aid form, so that’s an important item. Title monies were not allocated and they need to be spent, so I’m letting you know the plans.
Title 2D funds are for technology and with that I replaced the elementary computer lab, high school was already done, then the elementary got new laptops about 40 of them and then the REAP funs will cover the rest. So the 5thand 6thgrade will then get another 40 next year so they can all be new with same funds. Sustainability is a big concern with technology. $20,647 in title 1A which is special help monies was currently not being allocated, we cover Waters 50% and LaFord bu they are only serving k-3 and they could use another helper to serve 4-6 in reading and math assistance. The position was posted and will only last the rest of the year. Then the at risk monies which we discussed during the school safety portion of meeting, I am handing you out the website, logon and password to access the NEOLA Policies. This is a way for the board members to go and look at them yourselves without wasting paper. Also, there will only be on hard copy kept in the office now. No more printing reams of paper. Which is a nice segway into the next topic. Paperless meetings. We go thru lots of papers and it just so happens that there are some extra laptops so I’ve arranged for the Board members to receive one and we can try and do this if you want. The ISD has switched to the method and it seems like a nice change to reduce costs. You will need a google account and everything will be emailed to you and we will work online instead of on paper. Amy you could be typing who moved and so on…saving you time later. So we would have to have some training, I know. Would you like to try this? (the board agreed to give it a try) Next meeting is February 18thand we will meet at 6 to go over this new process.
M. Adjournment
Motion by Freedman supported by Wallinn to adjourn. Time: 9:00 p.m.
All members voted yes
Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Amy M. Cappelli